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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New look for dining room!

Well, it has been a very busy couple of weeks.
Working in the dining room has been very satisfying (even though the only reason it was totaly dismantled is because the Motivator didn't like the previous color....really?!)  So, off to find something I have heard characterized as "whimsical".  Now, I know that "whimsy" can be good - meaning you are artsy, creative, entertaining - OR, it can mean that you are off your rocker and WHAT were you thinking.  So here we are with the monkeys in the balloons.  Whimsical.

On another note, the Motivator has been learning to ski.  After an entire lifetime around snow, this is the moment she chooses to learn.  Doing very well, and then!! comes the ice.  Combined with avoiding the snowboarders, and she is in the ER with torn ligaments.  Because of her shoulder strength, she has a minor tear, so should be back to lifting very heavy things very soon.  And will also return to Motivating, I am sure.

                                Let that be a lesson kids.  Learn to ski when you are young.
                                Enjoy the monkeys!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Time for an update! (And Happy B-Day, Mom!)

The weather is a slight bit different than my last post, and only a few weeks apart.  Today was 54 degrees and brightly sunny (brightly sunny?  Really?!  My AP English teacher is screaming somewhere)....  But it was.  Brightly sunny, that is.  The snow is retreating just a bit...I couldn't even see this wall two weeks the changes are beginning.

When you buy a house in the winter, every day is a reminder that you have no idea the surprises that are coming when the snow is finally gone, and the earth warms up just enough to give you a peek.
Daylight savings time starts tonight.  One step closer to that peek!